Friday, July 24, 2009

More Inspiration from Lloyd Kahn's Blog

Click on this for some cool pictures of a Dome Building Company in Vancouver, B.C.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

If you wanna build it, I will come.....

Some much appreciated positive reinforcement in the form of the Blue Rock Station
e-newsletter came through this week from Annie Warmke of BRS:
"Annie B., our June intern, returned to Columbus last week – a paying job is calling to her, she just hasn’t found it yet. She surely did an amazing job of earth plastering. We’ve never had anyone that had such a gift for it, except maybe a couple of early students. She left her mark everywhere with art and nature. We really appreciate her contributions".
WIth this experience combined with 15 years of hardcore research about Strawbale Buildings of all shapes and sizes and years of experiences building a plethora of decks, walls, fences and other assorted structures with my Carpenter Father, I am fairly certain I can design and build your shed, garage or small house. Send me an email and I'll grab my mud clothes.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Yesterday was the first time that (after reading his book for over 6 months) I finally went online to search and learn more about Joseph Rael. This morning I started clicking on some of the pictures of the Peace Chambers and I just about fell off my chair to see my version of my strawbale Octagon dream house in this one in Michigan.
This man (Joseph Rael) has been building these all over the world. Pretty inspiring.
It's just the right size for me too.

Friday, July 3, 2009

A strawbale journal....
Really nice pictures and someone's journal of the process.

This is a beautiful illustration of Mayapple a.k.a. American Mandrake. Someone had the wisdom years ago to put this entire book online. I still refer to it alot when looking up medicinal uses of most plants.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Check out these wonderful videos Rumi Homes
"Work done with the heart and hand is ultimately worship of life itself."

–Soetsu Yanagi, the Unknown Craftsman